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    Mandarin Student Zack
    Mandarin Education School is a great place to learn Chinese and Chinese Culture.I've learned a lot in this school, my Chine...

    Learn Chinese Travel China
    If you want to learn Chinese and also discover China, Mandarin Education organize the most funny and cultural study tour. The...

    suzhou Mandarin Jude
    I am Jude, I am learning Mandarin in Suzhou Mandarin School,I was learning in Wuxi Mandarin Education too.I like my Chinse Teacher...

    chinese class
    Improve your reading, speaking and your writing by experiencing our teaching methods,Offer free student Visa. ...

    Wuxi Mandarin Jessie
    I've learned Chinese for almost 8 years, I can understand what Chinese people say,but when I speak, I feel very uncomfor...

    Chinese Internship or Jobs
    You are looking for a professional experience abroad? Get the opportunity to discover the Chinese business,Look for an ...

    Mandarinedu Student Florent
    I love my Wuxi Mandarin Education School. It is the EASY MANDARIN Learning way, I am learning faster than I wanted.My teach...

    Mandarin E Learning
    Mandarin Education School offers you Online Chinese Courses. It has never been so easier to have Chinese courses ...

    Mandarin Student Brad
    I am studying Chinese in Mandarin Education School. I can speak quit good Chinese and talk to Chinese people by myself. Thank...

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      Wechat: MandarinGroup

      to get more informations

      School Telephone:

      0086 1866 1199 988

      0086  510-81151808






      Mandarin Education School

      Room 405, 4 Fl,Building No.8,

      Maoye Business Center,

      Chang jiang No.1,

      New district , Wuxi City , China

      Happy Valentine's Day! 情人节快乐! Qíngrén jié kuàil
      Will you be my valentine?

      nǐ yuànyì zuò wǒ de qíngrén ma?

      I only care about you
      wǒ zhǐ zàihu nǐ

      I love you so much
      wǒ ài nǐ nàme duō

      I love you passionately
      wǒ rè liè de ài zhe nǐ

      I'm crazy in love with you
      wǒ fēng kuáng de ài zhe nǐ

      但愿人长久, 千里共婵娟 (dàn yuàn rén cháng jiǔ, qiān lǐ gòng chán juān)
      Though miles apart, sharing the beauty of the graceful moonlight, we wish long-lasting lover. The saying is especially for those who cannot celebrate Valentine’s Day together.

      执子之手, 与子偕老 (zhí zǐ zhī shǒu, yǔ zǐ xié lǎo)
      With you I made an agreement: when I grasped your hand and I vowed to spend the rest of my life with you.

      有情人终成眷属 (yǒu qíng rén zhōng chéng juàn shǔ)
      All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill. love will find a way.

      爱你一万年 (ài nǐ yí wàn nián)
      Love you forever.

      我爱你, 就像老鼠爱大米 (wǒ ài nǐ jiù xiàng lǎo shǔ ài dà mǐ)
      I love you as mice love rice.

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